Hey, heroes!
Greetings from a new email provider - Substack! We’ve blown past 2k subscribers (thank you!) and are heading toward 3k, which meant I needed to switch things up if I wanted to keep this mailing affordable. Thanks for coming along for the ride. I appreciate your patience with any technical hiccups.

It’s launch day for MEET ME IN THE FUTURE, my first short story collection, which includes tales about a body-hopping mercenary who avenges his pet elephant, an orphan who falls in love with a sentient starship, fighters who ally to power a reality-bending engine, and a swamp-dwelling introvert who tries to save the world―from her plague-casting former wife.
Or, as folks on Twitter are pitching it: “SWAMP LESBIANS.”
I mean, that too.
I think it’s great. But don’t just take my word for it…
“One of the best story collections of the past few years.” ―*Booklist
“16 hard-edged pieces that gleam like gems in a mosaic.” ―*Publishers Weekly
“A visceral, unrelenting, and heart-filled exploration of what it means to be human in any future; Kameron Hurley is writing the science fiction our world needs.”—Jacqueline Koyanagi, author of Ascension
“Kameron Hurley is a badass. Her powerful stories will shred your preconceptions, and may leave you permanently off-kilter.”—Hugo Award-winning author Annalee Newitz, author of Autonomous
Now available from fine booksellers everywhere!
We’ve got a LOT of new fiction available via the Patreon! Catch up on what you’ve missed, and brace for “The Traitor Lords” coming August 31st.

Annnnd - you asked, and I delivered! You can now order Light Brigade patches directly from me via the Kameron Hurley Workshop (this is also a great place to get signed books and paintings).

We’re working to get through this long dry spell between royalty payment periods. Once we do, I’ll have info in the next newsletter about the The Broken Heavens pre-launch swag giveaway.
Speaking of The Broken Heavens, I’ve turned in the copyedits on the manuscript! We have two proofing passes left to go, and then it’s off to the printing house. It’s FINALLY happening, fam. I really appreciate how patient and supportive you’ve all been as I wrestled with this book. There was a long stretch there where I considered paying back the advance and just cancelling it, so it’s a really big win for my mental health to see this one hit the streets. Out January 14, 2020!
I’m currently in the very early drafting stages of Losing Gravity, the book I pitched to Saga Press as “Killing Eve Meets Die Hard, in Space.” It’s been fun doing the research for this one, but I’m still working out character voices and narrative structure. That one’s on deck for early 2021.
My agent and I are also in the early stages of planning some additional short fiction collections, depending on how well Meet Me in the Future does (Apocalypse Nyx did well by smaller press standards, so that’s good!).
Finally, now that I’m done traveling for the year (aside from a family trip around Thanksgiving), my goal is to get back to producing regular episodes of my podcast, “Get to Work Hurley,” because people love it and I enjoy doing them. I do also want to have regular “hang and paint with Hurley” sessions once a month that are publicly streamed, just for fun.
I want to spend more time doing the shit that I love, basically, instead of being anxious and worried all the time. The world as we know it may be ending, but we can enjoy the time we have.
Let’s go make things, fam.